[Springboard] A call for advice for Wiegel, from Wiegel
Richard West
rwestica at ms69.hinet.net
Fri Apr 18 08:40:11 EDT 2008
Dear Jim,
I greatly appreciate Larry's reply. He and I talked several hours
ago (this morning our time).
Two things I might add from our experience. If all this is in your
experience also, great. It's the best I have to offer.
First is that it is worth the time to bring the group, or at least
the sensitive and responsive ones in the group to the understanding
that things can't go on as they are. If that can happen, then the
second becomes more possible.
Second is a deeply felt vision of possibility, re what we very much
want to have for ourselves and others in this situation. There is
the bit about "What you are experiencing now is what you are
resonating with." If you want something different, your resonance
needs to change. Of as the HR head of P&G in India said in context
as he was describing the transformation process in their factory in
Bombay some 25 or more years ago, "We decided we were organized
perfectly to get the results we were getting. If we wanted something
different, we needed to work (think and operate) a different way.
Third is the part of contradictions which focuses on "What is it that
is currently going on (with us) that has to change before our vision
can become realizeable?"
Great that you're taking this on. We all need some more models of
what works in situations like this.
Richard West ICA Taiwan
3F, # 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road
Taipei, Taiwan 111
T) 8862-2871-3150
F) 8862-2871-2870
email) rwestica at ms69.hinet.net
skype) rwestica
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