[Springboard] Is there an interest in another study group.

Robert Rafos rafos at sympatico.ca
Tue Apr 21 10:19:58 EDT 2009

> DearColleagues,

The interest in a study group has waned considerably during the book  
Community by Peter Block.  Perhaps it is the spring weather and people  
are less confined in-doors.  In any event there is a suggestion that  
for the next book we might consider the Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell,  
author of Tipping Point and Blink.  The study wouldn't begin until the  
week of May 11.

There are several questions to discern as to whether to continue or not.

Are you interested in joining a study group?
Would you be interested in Malcom Gladwell's book or would you prefer  
another book?
Do you have alternate book suggestions?
What night of the week is most suitable for you?

We had started on Wednesday and shifted to Tuesday.  The participation  
seemed to be greater on Wednesday evening.

Look forward to your response,

Bob Rafos
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