[Springboard] Is there an interest in another study group.

James Wiegel jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 25 12:00:27 EDT 2009

i am interested

Jim Wiegel

If anyone tells you something strange about the world, something you had never heard before, do not laugh but listen attentively; make him repeat it, make him explain it; no doubt there is something there worth taking hold of.  --  Georges Duhamel.

401 North Beverly Way   

Tolleson, Arizona 85353-2401

+1  623-936-8671

+1  623-363-3277

   jfwiegel at yahoo.com


--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Richard West <rwestica at ms69.hinet.net> wrote:
From: Richard West <rwestica at ms69.hinet.net>
Subject: Re: [Springboard] Is there an interest in another study group.
To: "Springboard Dialogue" <springboard at wedgeblade.net>
Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 7:30 PM

Re: [Springboard] Is there an interest in another
study grDear Bob,

Thanks for the email.  I am happy to study Outliers, have begun
to read it, may go back to his earlier books also.

Agree on the greater participation on Wednesday evening, almost
any evening (morning my time) is good for me and 6 pm Phoenix time is
just fine..

Best regards,

Richard West        ICA

3F, # 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road

Taipei, Taiwan 111

T) 8862-2871-3150

F) 8862-2871-2870

email) rwestica at ms69.hinet.net

skype)  rwestica
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