[Springboard] Research Assemblies

Richard West rwestica at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 04:23:38 CST 2009

 Dear Colleagues,

I totally agree about the new and passion for research assemblies.  I
see  the need for surveys of what is going on, where passion is being
spilled out and out of what context, maybe even a re-doing of some of
our cherished tools which have sustained us for some 35 years and

My own small contribution to this movement of continuing research is
to call "Truth about Life" dialogues on particular topics answering
the question and grounding experience towards the question, "What is
the TAL about this (topic) that has changed for you in the last week,
month, year, decade, etc...  What you thought was true, you no longer
believe so, and no longer live out of it.  The result of this ongoing
series has been very enlightening.  The (changing) TAL group is now
ready for the fourth Saturday morning on "Real Power, Third Edition"
by Janet Hagberg, this one on Leading from Your Soul.

Having just finished reading "Global Shift" for the Springboard Study
on the book, I'm deeply impressed by the wisdom of the Order to hold
Summer 70, 71 and 72.  The theoretical farmework which came out of
those gatherings (along with Academy and several RS-1's etc, has given
me enough foundational framework to create a life much more satisfying
and useful than it would have been otherwise.

A decision we made in ICA Taiwan to scan the world for processes which
would be useful to integrate into what we already know has worked well
for us, and we continue that.  Our work has been greatly enriched by
that of others.

I'm ready for an ongoing series of research assemblies, probably more
open ended than the ones we created before focused on contradiction
arenas, possibly even regional ones.



Richard West, ICA Taiwan
3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou W Rd
Taipei, Taiwan 111
Ph) 8862-2871-3150
email) rwestica at gmail.com
Skype) rwestica

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