[Springboard] Great study tonight!!

James Wiegel jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 20 22:27:02 CDT 2009

We studied the section from Everything Must Change on the Security System -- the dominance of the US in arms and the mindset that only through force can we be secure (quite different from Jesus view), plus the layers upon layers (especially economic) by which this obsession with military force, military deterrence, military research is supported by those who (economically or culturally) profit from it, plus the addictive nature of 'being an empire, being a superpower and how that overwhelms what is really needed in Afghanistan or Israel or . . .

I went to watch TV just for relief after -- in addition to the major league baseball playoff game -- was a documentary on Pete Seeger and his involvement in creating the Clearwater -- a Hudson River Sloop that pioneered environmental education -- he and others built the sail boat and named it because they wanted (starting in the 60's) the Hudson River to be clear again.

That, plus Greg Mortenson, plus Blessed Unrest, said that local impulses continue strong and creative, with little impact on the big picture (lot of action locally, not much notice or impact globally), and not many signs of hope at the level of big systems:  nations, multinational corporations, etc.

We had beef stroganoff for dinner . . 

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems."  Mohandas Gandhi

Jim Wiegel
401 North Beverly Way, Tolleson, Arizona 85353-2401
+1  623-936-8671   +1  623-363-3277
jfwiegel at yahoo.com www.partnersinparticipation.com

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