[Springboard] Remember Joyce Carol Oates??

webbpat1 at cox.net webbpat1 at cox.net
Wed Jul 21 16:02:06 CDT 2010

Dear Jim:

Thanks for this quote.  I remembered it some months ago, but didn't have the author and didn't know how to find it.

Enjoyed seeing you at the recent gathering. 

Pat Webb, Executive Director
The Silence Foundation, Inc.
Oklahoma City

In an artful way ...bringing more silence, reflection, and community-building into our world.

---- James Wiegel <jfwiegel at yahoo.com> wrote: 
> These are all the symptoms of a great change that we all sense as the  coming 
end of the human era. J.C. Oates, a leading American novelist  wrote back in the 
70's about this very experience:

What appears to be the breaking down of civilization may  well be simply the 
breaking up of old forms by life itself (not an  eruption of madness or self 
destruction), a process that is entirely  natural and inevitable. Perhaps we are 
in the tumultuous but exciting  close of a centuries-old kind of consciousness - 
a few of us like  theologians of the Medieval church encountering the 
unstoppable energy  of the Renaissance. What we must avoid is the paranoia of 
history’s  “true believers”, who have always misinterpreted a natural, 
evolutionary  transformation of consciousness as being the violent conclusion of 
all  history. [Ref: (New Heaven, New Earth: The Visionary Experience in  
Literature (1974)) images p.105]

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken 
place.     George Bernard Shaw

Jim Wiegel
401 North Beverly Way, Tolleson, Arizona 85353-2401
+1  623-936-8671   +1  623-363-3277
jfwiegel at yahoo.com www.partnersinparticipation.com

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