[Springboard] [top-trainers] Invitation to a new way to connect and participate

kartes at aol.com kartes at aol.com
Wed May 26 11:27:07 CDT 2010

 David --Thank you!

 You've committed  precious time to a lasting legacy of value for us all.
I appreciate all of your contributions to making the Sojourners experience a shared resource.
All Good Wishes,
Cheryl Kartes



-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Harper <Top-nw at igc.org>
To: David Dunn <dmdunn1 at gmail.com>
Cc: OECommunity Community <oe at wedgeblade.net>; Dialogue' Listserv <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>; Springboard Listserv <springboard at wedgeblade.net>; top-trainers at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 12:04 am
Subject: Re: [top-trainers] Invitation to a new way to connect and participate


Just first rate, David!

I've been appreciating the pictures you've been sharing, but this takesthings to a whole new level.  Beautifully designed and user friendly--a fine base on which to build.

You've given us all the potential for participating in the archiveproject over the coming weeks, whether we're physically present in Room 653 ornot.  As this grows, it strikes me that it can be a valuable resourceas well for the OICOS gathering in Oklahoma City in July.

Watching that changing rectangle view at the top of the pages, Iexperienced it almost as if I was looking into the rooms through thosetransoms above the old doors on the West Side! 

You've definitely got our attention and whetted our appetite;appreciated --


On 5/25/2010 8:28 PM, David Dunn wrote:
Hello colleagues.

Jan Ulangca and Randy and Mary Beth Williams join us this week.Jan arrived yesterday. We expect the Williams tomorrow.  We're workingon human development projects, documenting our work and lessonslearned, and debriefing with Terry Bergdall this Friday afternoonbefore we head off in all directions.

This has been a wild ride so far. Our learning curve is justbarely keeping up with our hopes and expectations for making a big dentin the stored archive files. 

I've been bending and riveting a new web site into being,just to keep the Archive Project visible and engaging. We'll see ifit's airworthy and safe for the average passenger, with enough leg roomfor long people and sufficiently easy to read safety instructions foranyone new to air travel and short on flying experience.

Click on the link—ei-oe-ica.org—to visit the website. I've posted new photos on FlickrDotCom and also embedded the sameFlickr photo gallery in the new site. It's set up as a blog with extrapages and has a few posts with the beginnings of an online collectionof archive treasures. It also has some funky habits and rough edges, sobe patient while we work out the bugs. 

This is supposed to be super-user-friendly and very useful. Addcomments, give me feedback and make suggestions. 




David Dunn
dmdunn1 at gmail.com

Creative direction and spiritual companioning

PS. You'll see the same three new photo sets at the Flickr site:





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