[Dialogue] Democratic volunteerism

David Dunn ddunn at ica-usa.org
Mon Aug 2 11:22:15 EDT 2004

On 8/1/04 5:44 PM, "Karl Hess" <khess at apk.net> wrote:

> For example, as far as I can calculate, the US trade policy kills
> about 500 kids in Africa per hour.  Some of us are horrified by that.

The question about the focus of this list and now Karl's posting above,
suggests to me a very, very important function of this list that is closely
aligned with my values.

If we sight sources for information like '500 kids per hour,' and if we link
our political commentary to value declarations and faith statements, we'll
simultaneously ground and deepen a conversation that sometimes does stay
just ten feet off the planet and sometimes does reduce history to politics.


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