[Dialogue] A proposal for corporate research and writing

KarenBueno@aol.com KarenBueno at aol.com
Fri Aug 13 09:43:39 EDT 2004

In a message dated 8/12/2004 11:41:16 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
ddunn at ica-usa.org writes:

I¹ve been thinking about our conversations about Bush and Company and the
importance of the November election
For example, "short courses" might be something like these (off the top of my 
head, need fine-tuning):

The thing that worries me about the Republican administration is their 
withdrawal of funds for women and children around the globe.  We take for granted 
our decisions about family planning and birth control.  Women in other countries 
need that, too.


The thing that worries me about the Republican administration is their 
attitude toward the environment.  We all know that our resources are finite, and 
that the growing human population is straining those resources.  We have to pay 
more attention to how we use them.


The thing that worries me about the current administration is that they seem 
to be controlled by corporate resources that lean all of us toward selfish 
overuse of our global resources only for the US citizens.

Karen Bueno

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