[Dialogue] A proposal for corporate research and writing

TCWright@aol.com TCWright at aol.com
Fri Aug 13 13:31:33 EDT 2004

David, I don't   feel up to it today, but I would like to participate in a 
corporate writing experiment as you have proposed it. 

I assume there will be lots of incoming material once the word is out; 
excerpting will be necessary, or maybe something like a "book review" that responds 
to several related papers. A numbering system will be necessary for the 
issues/white papers. Short poems, or a once-a-month issue of poems only.
How would this mesh with the Newsletter you and others have talked about 
several times?
Advertising or quarterly sponsor—help to pay for it?How related to Roseanne's 
Emerging Lifestyles, (now defunct, I guess.)

Should have my list of TW computer issues to you today or tomorrow.

Love, tcw

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