[Dialogue] How would you say this in a relative (not 3 story) worldlangua...

KroegerD@aol.com KroegerD at aol.com
Fri Dec 24 08:10:07 EST 2004

In a message dated 12/23/2004 4:04:54 PM Central Standard Time, 
aiseayew at iowatelecom.net writes:
"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast  views beyond the
comprehension of the  weak; and that it is doing God's service when it
is violating all his  laws."  --John Adams
Those who seize control, through elections or otherwise, create a story, and 
often come to believe, that they are trancendently affirmed in their actions 
and beliefs, even when the common welfare is trampled upon.

Dick Kroeger
65 Stubbs Bay Road
Maple Plain, MN 55359

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