[Dialogue] Joe & Sandra Clift

DReese8542@aol.com DReese8542 at aol.com
Thu Jul 1 16:50:30 EDT 2004

David Reese here.  Yes, Joe and Sandra were there when we also interned in 
Cleveland. Joe and I were assigned to get a job.  Interviewed for driving a 
taxi. The guy asked us a few questions, discovered we didn't know squat about 
Cleveland and kindly sent us on our way.

I think they were in Seattle at one time.  I got a call from Joe about 
information to get into Clinical Training.  I think he was somewhere around New 
Orleans at that time.  

And Sherwood, I do recall a story you told about working at that place where 
they made light bulbs.  You crawled under a machine to fix it and immediately 
went to sleep.  They had to pull you out,  acc. to your version.  We really 
ddn't get a lot of sleep back then.   DReese

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