[Dialogue] Joe & Sandra Clift add to Dialogue

LAURELCG@aol.com LAURELCG at aol.com
Tue Jul 6 23:51:24 EDT 2004

Welcome to the Clifts from Jann McGuire!  I almost wrote yesterday to say I 
thought you were in the Houston house at the time my father, Joe B. Hale, died 
in July, 1972.  Fred and I and our children were in Fifth City.  We drove to 
Stamford, Texas, for the funeral.  The burial was in the family farm cemetery 
out in the country from Sagerton, which is basically a ghost town.  Poor Joe 
was assigned to represent the Order at the funeral and had, I'm sure, a very 
difficult time finding it at the end of a more-or-less 500-mile drive.  He did 
find the cemetery, though I can't imagine how.  My family, all either totally 
un-churched (like my dad) or from the "non-instrumental" Church of Christ (like 
my mom,) couldn't imagine who this was, showing up in a clerical collar.  I've 
thought of you many times, Joe, and appreciated so much that long hot drive 
you made to be present.  It meant a lot to me.  Would love to hear (I think) 
what you remember of that occasion.

Jann McGuire

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