[Dialogue] new breast cancer stamp

Colleen Smith pucksters at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 8 13:40:44 EDT 2004



Unfortunately Breast Cancer knows no color.  This is for all women.
 Subject: New Stamp featuring women of color
Breast Cancer Stamp
All right EVERYONE, lets do this !!!!!!   We need those of you who

are great at forwarding information to your e-mail network.  Please

read and pass this on. It would be wonderful if 2004 were the year

a cure for breast cancer were found!!!! This is one e-mail you

should be glad to pass on. The notion that we could raise $35

million by buying a book of stamps is powerful!


As you may be aware, the US Postal Service recently released its

new "Fund the Cure" stamp to help fund breast cancer research. The

stamp was designed by Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, Maryland.  It is

important that we take a stand against this disease that affects so

many of our mothers, sisters and friends.


Instead of the routine 37 cents for a stamp, this one costs 40

cents. The additional 3 cents will go to breast cancer research.  A

"normal" book costs $7.40.  This one is only $8.00.  It takes a few

minutes in line at the Post Office and means so much.  If all

stamps are sold, it will raise an additional $35,000,000 for this

vital research.


Just as important as the money is our support.  What a statement it

would make if the stamp outsold the lottery this week. What a

statement it would make that we care.  I would urge you to do two

things TODAY:


1. Go out and purchase some of these stamps.


2. E-mail your friends to do the same.  We all know women and their

families whose lives are turned upside-down by breast cancer.  It

takes so little to do so much in this drive.  I think we can all

afford the additional 60 cents the new book costs.


Please help & pass this on

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
April 16, 1953

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