[Dialogue] Movie Recommendations

KarenBueno@aol.com KarenBueno at aol.com
Sat Jul 24 00:20:32 EDT 2004

In a message dated 7/23/2004 1:48:32 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
cdhahn at flash.net writes:

> I probably should know, but please say who you are,
> RevMcLeod
> Doris Hahn

Let me introduce Jeremy McLeod, Doris, and all.  I met Jeremy while taking 
pottery classes in Denver.  Jeremy was, at that time, clergy of the Metropolitan 
Community Church in Boulder, and doing hospice work.  He was also a fine 
potter!  I found out that Jeremy had had contact with ICA/OE in California in the 
past, and was interested in the dialog, so I referred him to that email group. 
 He "lurked" for some time :-).  He is now clergy in, is it West Virginia or 
Virginia, Jeremy?  Jeremy is certainly a spirit colleague to all of us.

And Doris Hahn, Jeremy, is a fabulous woman with whom I taught RS1 in Chicago 
lo those many years ago.  She and her husband, Charles, also served in 
England, where my former husband and I were assigned for awhile.  Charles was 
pedagog at my first RS1 in the Denver area.

Karen Bueno (formerly Karen Wright)

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