[Dialogue] A good night for America and the globe

aiseayew aiseayew at iowatelecom.net
Fri Jul 30 10:49:54 EDT 2004

I have been cut off from my e-mail for several days, but I can't agree more
about the opening night of the DNC.  I did not think (hope) that in my
lifetime I would here someone from a national platform willing to talk about
sanctification or appropriately distinguish moral behaviour and moralism.
You go girl!

Obama was more magnificent that I had imagined.  He showed up on my screen
just weeks ago when I heard the story of Jan Schakowsky(sp?), D-IL,  being
initially blocked from entering a meeting at the White House because she was
wearing a button supporting Osama bin Laden.

Didn't Sun Tsu have some suggestions about knowing your enemy?

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