[Dialogue] Fw: [Earthteam-list] North Carolina veteran speaks out on sens...

Jayandem2@aol.com Jayandem2 at aol.com
Wed Jun 2 20:28:11 EDT 2004

Evelyn, we only have Faith's prison address. All the imprisoned protesters 
are in various other Federal prisons across the country.  Faith Fippinger's 
address (until July 1st) is:

Faith J. Fippinger 92094-020 F3
Federal Correctional complex Camp
P.O. Box 1027
Coleman, FL  33521-1027

Faith told us that she had to give a list of names of those who could visit 
or call. I am not sure if it included letters as well. I hope not for I am sure 
she would appreciate hearing from you and any others who might write. 
Grace & Peace,

Judith, Mike and Meg

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