[Dialogue] Thanks, Abe

Dorcas Rose icatroy at igc.org
Tue May 18 08:24:04 EDT 2004

You don't hear from me much, as I am more of a "listener" rather than a
"talker" on this listserv.   Abe, I want you to know that I really
appreciate all the work you have done in keeping us commected.   Also thanks
to tim and anyone else who has been involved in setting up the new listserv.
Abe, while I'm thinking about it, I also want to thank you for being my
computer consultant for all these years.   Who would have thought that our
little machines which for me started out as a fancy typewriter would have
evolved into something that allows us to talk instantly to people around the
world.   Abe has interpreted the manuals and offered sound advice for years.
Thanks!!!   Dorcas

The Institute of Cultural Affairs
248 Second Street
Troy, NY 12180
(518) 273-6797
icatroy at igc.org

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