[Dialogue] Post Election

Jayandem2@aol.com Jayandem2 at aol.com
Wed Nov 3 23:09:45 EST 2004

Since June 2003, we have worked hard, first for Howard Dean, then for the 
"Johns." We have stood on street corners waving signs, Judith has picked up 
absentee ballots in Sarasota and Manatee counties, taken voters to those respective 
Board of Elections poling places and we spent yesterday as poll watchers at 
precinct 97 in Manatee County. 
We are heart sick and scared to death of the next four years when we will 
lose a woman's right of choice; more national job losses; reduced Medicare and 
social security; and continued no health care for the working poor. Iraq, and 
what other countries, will continue to be invaded and their citizens 
slaughtered?  We will continue to be members of the Democratic Executive Committee in 
Manatee and work to change the Governership and House of Rep in Washington to a 
more equitable equation.

Judith, Mike and Meg

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