[Dialogue] continuing the post-election "blues"

Del Morrill delmorrill at hypnocenter.com
Thu Nov 4 21:20:25 EST 2004

I'm depressed, not just because we have another disastrous 4 years with
Bush, but because I feel the Democratic Party needs to start working,
seriously, on becoming unified from something other than hating Bush. It
needs to stop trying to "speak out" ONLY at election times.  The country is
badly in need of education regarding our political situation, issues, etc.
It was appalling to read that over 70 percent of the people who voted did
NOT know that Medicare had been raised significantly by this president.
They did NOT know most anything Bush had done (and not done) that had been
detrimental to us, as a society.  Yet, that same percentage knew that Regis
was host on Who wants to be a Millionaire (or whatever in hell the name of
that program is!.)  This is an awful state of affairs, which cannot be
remedied by pulling forces together every 4 years.  It has to begin NOW, and
with as much dedication and organization as the republicans have done, and
continue to do.  Democrats, conservative and liberal ones, are the most
unorganized bunch there is.  Republicans - conservative ones at that - win
because there are tons of religious and other conservative organizations
working constantly at focused efforts on the issue-answers they want us to
"swallow."  Yet, Democrats haven't found out how to do that.  Until we do,
I'm afraid we face more of the same.

The worst thing that happened to the Democrats was losing the southern
states.  We'll never get them back.
Also, what I can't understand is how in the world Blacks and Latinos voted
for the republicans.  What have republicans every done for them?????  I
couldn't understand the increased numbers, at all.

This is why I'm such a cynic about politics!

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