[Dialogue] how to spend the campaign dollars

VEatSWPA@aol.com VEatSWPA at aol.com
Tue Oct 5 14:45:13 EDT 2004

David: Here is my two cents worth. If your state Democrat candidate for the 
House or Senate stands a chance of unseating a Republican I would give 50/50 to 
that person and the Kerry campaign. If the state person doesn't have a chance 
I would give 100% of my contribution to the Kerry campaign. If the state 
person is a shoe in and doesn't need money I would give 100% to the Kerry 
campaign. The big priority is to get Kerry elected. Once in office he needs support 
from the House and Senate to be successful thus my first suggestions approach of 
giving an equal amount to both. As I said this advice will cost you only two 
cents!  Peace, Vance

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