[Dialogue] A Gospel Story of MARK

llc860@triad.rr.com llc860 at triad.rr.com
Thu Oct 7 07:57:30 EDT 2004

What a wonderful story of youth and Religious House experience.  Thank you for sharing with us all.  We need the good stories as well as the sad ones we have heard so often.  With care,  Lynda in TN working on the move of Dad to Virginia by Nov. 15.  

----- Original Message -----
From: RHowie at aol.com
Date: Thursday, October 7, 2004 7:06 am
Subject: [Dialogue] A Gospel Story of MARK

> Dear Michael,
> In the summer of 1976 our son Jim, then just completing his 
> freshman year of 
> HS in Philadelphia as our family finished our Intern year in the 
> Philadelphia 
> House, decided to be deployed to the Phoenix House for his 
> sophomore year.  
> Mark and Jean were Priors there, and we were all comforted by 
> their care and 
> obvious love of children, as we took Jim out to be with them.
> One of our fondest memories of Mark was Jim's relating to us that 
> it was 
> Mark's practice to take Jim and Bruce Knowlton out for supper once 
> a week (often 
> to McDonald's as I recall) so the 'Boys' could have their own 
> private talks.  
> Now those of you who remember both these boys will also remember 
> how they just 
> loved to push limits/buttons and be VERY adolescent!  Mark not 
> only did not 
> succumb to being reactive (and thus delight these two), but 
> according to Jim's 
> telling of the tale, seemed to thoroughly enjoy this teen-age hood 
> style of 
> being!  It was Mark who also taught Jim to drive when he had his 
> driver's permit.
> Part way through this year, Jean and Mark were deployed to El 
> Bayad, which of 
> course was Egypt's gain, yet very much a loss for our son Jim.
> Jim now is in his early forties, married with a daughter of his 
> own who is 
> now 9 years old.  It will give Jean and the others who remember 
> Jim a huge 
> chuckle to know that Jim says of Alexandria that she has the 
> personality of both he 
> and his wife Tamara, who is a wonderfully fiesty woman, and that 
> he is 
> already getting himself prepared for the time when Ali will be a 
> teenager!Our family celebrates with all of you Mark's wondrously 
> completed life, and 
> keep Jean in our prayers.
> Love, God's Grace and Peace and Comfort, Ellen Howie
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