[Dialogue] A note to Sen. Kerry

John Epps jlepps at pc.jaring.my
Mon Oct 11 01:50:07 EDT 2004

Though I have no idea how to get this message to the candidate, it seemed 
useful to post it to this group for refinement. It's advice from an 
outsider prior to the third debate. The opening quote came from a lifelong 
Republican, but still it seems to be quite appropriate:

Senator Kerry:

"Don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk." That's my advice on how 
best to distinguish yourself from your opponent. He has shown himself 
incapable of grasping reality. He sincerely and passionately  lives inside 
a pseudo-reality of his own invention. Don't be drawn into that world. It 
has no room for reason.

	1. Don't allow yourself to use the phrase "war on terrorism." Our battle 
against terrorism is only metaphorically a "war," despite Bush's claims. 
And we're not a "nation at war" in any sense that would warrant 
extraordinary presidential powers.
	The best, and probably the only way to defeat terrorism is to remove its 
causes -- perceived injustices with no hope of correction. Currently two 
major "causes" of terrorism are: 1) the Iraq occupation, and 2) the 
Palestinian oppression. These two conditions, both supported by the USA, 
create widespread opposition, hostility, and among the radical wing, 
	War rhetoric, in which there are evil enemies attacking us innocents, is 
precisely the wrong approach to dealing with terrorists. Rhetoric and 
activities of cooperatively working to alleviate innocent suffering is much 
more effective.
	This doesn't mean you need to go soft on felons or give up the hunt for 
Osama. But it means you need to highlight your move to find peaceful 
solutions. War is not a solution, and in fact, it aggravates the issue. We 
didn't go to war after the Oklahoma City bombing tragedy - we dealt with 
the perpetrator. That's what we need to do now.

	2. Don't get into the "protect America through preemptive strikes" debate. 
It's a pseudo-issue disguising warmongering as patriotism. What other 
president has initiated two wars in four years? In most views, that's a 
mark of failure, not success. And it has created worldwide revulsion. The 
USA has far more opposition in the global community than it had under 
Clinton or Bush Senior or Carter or Reagan, etc. We're less secure than 
ever before, and the more we attempt to secure ourselves, the less secure 
we become. It's time to balance the equation and become once again a 
responsible member of the global community. Maybe we can re-achieve the 
status of leader. You are protecting America when you build global 
alliances, respect global treaties, and honor global institutions

I'm sure there are more points of the Bushworld that Kerry needs to avoid. 
Perhaps you can lay them out.

My main point is that Bush must not be allowed to define the terms of the 
debate. There is another world view that is more realistic, more hopeful, 
and more caring. Let's spell it out.

John Epps

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