[Dialogue] A note to Sen. Kerry

Roger Alexander ralexan934 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 11 09:53:19 EDT 2004


One of my friends suggested that you try Kerry's website at

Roger Alexander

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Epps" <jlepps at pc.jaring.my>
To: <Dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: [Dialogue] A note to Sen. Kerry

> Though I have no idea how to get this message to the candidate, it seemed
> useful to post it to this group for refinement. It's advice from an
> outsider prior to the third debate. The opening quote came from a lifelong
> Republican, but still it seems to be quite appropriate:
> Senator Kerry:
> "Don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk." That's my advice on how
> best to distinguish yourself from your opponent. He has shown himself
> incapable of grasping reality. He sincerely and passionately  lives inside
> a pseudo-reality of his own invention. Don't be drawn into that world. It
> has no room for reason.
> Sepcifically:
> 1. Don't allow yourself to use the phrase "war on terrorism." Our battle
> against terrorism is only metaphorically a "war," despite Bush's claims.
> And we're not a "nation at war" in any sense that would warrant
> extraordinary presidential powers.
> The best, and probably the only way to defeat terrorism is to remove its
> causes -- perceived injustices with no hope of correction. Currently two
> major "causes" of terrorism are: 1) the Iraq occupation, and 2) the
> Palestinian oppression. These two conditions, both supported by the USA,
> create widespread opposition, hostility, and among the radical wing,
> terrorism.
> War rhetoric, in which there are evil enemies attacking us innocents, is
> precisely the wrong approach to dealing with terrorists. Rhetoric and
> activities of cooperatively working to alleviate innocent suffering is
> more effective.
> This doesn't mean you need to go soft on felons or give up the hunt for
> Osama. But it means you need to highlight your move to find peaceful
> solutions. War is not a solution, and in fact, it aggravates the issue. We
> didn't go to war after the Oklahoma City bombing tragedy - we dealt with
> the perpetrator. That's what we need to do now.
> 2. Don't get into the "protect America through preemptive strikes" debate.
> It's a pseudo-issue disguising warmongering as patriotism. What other
> president has initiated two wars in four years? In most views, that's a
> mark of failure, not success. And it has created worldwide revulsion. The
> USA has far more opposition in the global community than it had under
> Clinton or Bush Senior or Carter or Reagan, etc. We're less secure than
> ever before, and the more we attempt to secure ourselves, the less secure
> we become. It's time to balance the equation and become once again a
> responsible member of the global community. Maybe we can re-achieve the
> status of leader. You are protecting America when you build global
> alliances, respect global treaties, and honor global institutions
> I'm sure there are more points of the Bushworld that Kerry needs to avoid.
> Perhaps you can lay them out.
> My main point is that Bush must not be allowed to define the terms of the
> debate. There is another world view that is more realistic, more hopeful,
> and more caring. Let's spell it out.
> John Epps
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