[Dialogue] Fwd: Your letter to the editor: Advice to Mr. Kerry (editpage@seattlepi.com)

David & Lin Zahrt ch.bnb at longlines.com
Tue Oct 12 09:03:39 EDT 2004



>From: WKNorton at aol.com
>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 23:51:23 EDT
>Subject: Fwd: Your letter to the editor: Advice to Mr. Kerry 
>(editpage at seattlepi.com)
>To: ch.bnb at longlines.com
>X-pstn-levels:     (S:99.90000/99.90000 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 
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>X-pstn-addresses: from <WKNorton at aol.com> [2584/119]
>X-LongLinesInternet-pop3-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the 
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>X-LongLinesInternet-pop3-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>This is what your letter looks like as submitted to a Seattle 
>newspaper as a letter to the editor.
>PS: I submitted it under my name and address since I thought they 
>would prefer a local resident and one-time subscriber.  I think you 
>should handle letters to national newspapers.
>In a message dated 10/11/2004 7:22:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
>ltehelp at moveonpac.org writes:
>>Subj:Your letter to the editor: Advice to Mr. Kerry (editpage at seattlepi.com)
>>Date:10/11/2004 7:22:01 PM Pacific Standard Time
>>From:<mailto:ltehelp at moveonpac.org>ltehelp at moveonpac.org
>>To:<mailto:wknorton at aol.com>wknorton at aol.com
>>Sent from the Internet
>>Your letter has been sent to Seattle Post-Intelligencer!
>>If the email containing your letter comes back from the newspaper 
>>because of an addressing problem, please let us know so we can 
>>correct the information in our system.  You can reply to this 
>>message or send mail to ltehelp at moveonpac.org.
>>-- The MoveOn PAC Team
>>Your letter follows:
>>Senator Kerry:
>>Mr. Bush has shown himself incapable of grasping reality. He 
>>sincerely and passionately lives inside a pseudo-reality of his own 
>>invention. Don't be drawn into that world. It has no room for 
>>     1. Don't allow yourself to use the phrase "war on terrorism."
>>Our battle against terrorism is only metaphorically a "war," despite
>>Bush's claims. And we're not a "nation at war" in any sense that
>>would warrant extraordinary presidential powers.
>>     The best, and probably the only way to defeat terrorism is to 
>>remove its causes -- perceived injustices with no hope of 
>>correction. Currently two major "causes" of terrorism are: 1) the 
>>Iraq occupation, and 2) the Palestinian oppression. These two 
>>conditions, both supported by the U.S., create widespread 
>>opposition, hostility, and among the radical wing, terrorism.
>>     War rhetoric, in which there are evil enemies attacking us 
>>innocents, is precisely the wrong approach to dealing with 
>>terrorists. Rhetoric and activities of cooperatively working to
>>alleviate innocent suffering is much more effective.
>>     This doesn't mean you need to go soft on felons or give up the 
>>hunt for Osama. But it means you need to highlight your move to 
>>find peaceful solutions. War is not a solution, and in fact, it 
>>aggravates the issue. We didn't go to war after the Oklahoma City 
>>bombing tragedy - we dealt with the perpetrator. That's what we need
>>to do now.
>>     2. Don't get into the "protect America through preemptive 
>>strikes" debate. It's a pseudo-issue disguising warmongering as 
>>patriotism. What other president has initiated two wars in four 
>>years? In most views, that's a mark of failure, not success. And it
>>has created worldwide revulsion. The USA has far more opposition in 
>>the global community than it had under Clinton or Bush Senior or 
>>Carter or Reagan, etc. We're less secure than ever before, and the 
>>more we attempt to secure ourselves, the less secure we become. 
>>It's time to balance the equation and become once again a 
>>responsible member of the global community. Maybe we can re-achieve 
>>the status of leader. You are protecting America when you build 
>>global alliances, respect global treaties, and honor global 
>>I'm sure there are more points of the Bushworld that Kerry needs to 
>>avoid. My main point is that Bush must not be allowed to define the 
>>terms of the debate. There is another world view that is more 
>>realistic, more hopeful, and more caring.
>>Bill Norton
>>3827 Meridian Ave N
>>Seattle, WA 98103
>Return-Path: <ltehelp at moveonpac.org>
>Received: from  rly-ya02.mx.aol.com (rly-ya02.mail.aol.com 
>[]) by air-ya04.mail.aol.com (v101_r1.4) with ESMTP id 
>MAILINYA43-145416b3fbd2a2; Mon, 11 Oct 2004 22:22:01 -0400
>Received: from  web01.moveon.org (web01.moveon.org []) 
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>MAILRELAYINYA25-145416b3fbd2a2; Mon, 11 Oct 2004 22:21:49 -0400
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>From: "LTE help" <ltehelp at moveonpac.org>
>To: wknorton at aol.com
>Subject: Your letter to the editor: Advice to Mr. Kerry 
>(editpage at seattlepi.com)
>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 19:21:48 -0700
>Message-ID: <200410112221.145416b3fbd2a2 at rly-ya02.mx.aol.com>
>Your letter has been sent to Seattle Post-Intelligencer!
>If the email containing your letter comes back from the newspaper 
>because of an addressing problem, please let us know so we can 
>correct the information in our system.  You can reply to this 
>message or send mail to ltehelp at moveonpac.org.
>-- The MoveOn PAC Team
>Your letter follows:
>Senator Kerry:
>Mr. Bush has shown himself incapable of grasping reality. He 
>sincerely and passionately lives inside a pseudo-reality of his own 
>invention. Don't be drawn into that world. It has no room for reason.
>     1. Don't allow yourself to use the phrase "war on terrorism."
>Our battle against terrorism is only metaphorically a "war," despite
>Bush's claims. And we're not a "nation at war" in any sense that
>would warrant extraordinary presidential powers.
>     The best, and probably the only way to defeat terrorism is to 
>remove its causes -- perceived injustices with no hope of 
>correction. Currently two major "causes" of terrorism are: 1) the 
>Iraq occupation, and 2) the Palestinian oppression. These two 
>conditions, both supported by the U.S., create widespread 
>opposition, hostility, and among the radical wing, terrorism.
>     War rhetoric, in which there are evil enemies attacking us 
>innocents, is precisely the wrong approach to dealing with 
>terrorists. Rhetoric and activities of cooperatively working to
>alleviate innocent suffering is much more effective.
>     This doesn't mean you need to go soft on felons or give up the 
>hunt for Osama. But it means you need to highlight your move to find 
>peaceful solutions. War is not a solution, and in fact, it 
>aggravates the issue. We didn't go to war after the Oklahoma City 
>bombing tragedy - we dealt with the perpetrator. That's what we need
>to do now.
>     2. Don't get into the "protect America through preemptive 
>strikes" debate. It's a pseudo-issue disguising warmongering as 
>patriotism. What other president has initiated two wars in four 
>years? In most views, that's a mark of failure, not success. And it
>has created worldwide revulsion. The USA has far more opposition in 
>the global community than it had under Clinton or Bush Senior or 
>Carter or Reagan, etc. We're less secure than ever before, and the 
>more we attempt to secure ourselves, the less secure we become. It's 
>time to balance the equation and become once again a responsible 
>member of the global community. Maybe we can re-achieve the status 
>of leader. You are protecting America when you build global 
>alliances, respect global treaties, and honor global institutions.
>I'm sure there are more points of the Bushworld that Kerry needs to 
>avoid. My main point is that Bush must not be allowed to define the 
>terms of the debate. There is another world view that is more 
>realistic, more hopeful, and more caring.
>Bill Norton
>3827 Meridian Ave N
>Seattle, WA 98103

David Zahrt
22133 Larpenteur Rd
Turin, IA 51040   
(712) 353-6772 Phone

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