[Dialogue] Conversation Movement

Jan Allen jallen.odyssey at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 6 12:43:07 EDT 2004

Hello to Wayne and all,

I recall "Feet on the Table Conversations" too. At least in 1970; not sure if we were doing that when I first became involved in '67. 

I'm not sure how you're defining "conversation movement," but I assume you mean the "World Cafe" type of process since you referenced Wheatley. I attended a World Cafe dialogue group facilitated by her and found it to be a useful format for a highly inclusive and participatory exploration with a specific focus question. (So much more than the relatively leader-centric approach, in my view, that the Feet on the Table sessions used to be.) 

A friend of mine works with Meg Wheatley facilitating these events nationally and internationally in many different contexts. Because it's contentless, or can be, it applies to almost any context or focus question, which my friend is attempting to do. 

There's also the community-building dialogue process for which Scott Peck is known, as well as the work of David Bohm. 

I think ICA can definitely make a contribution to this "movement" or trend because of its context of service and inclusive involvement. It applies at both the global, macro level as well as the local, micro level. But I'm not sure how the legacy of the Feet on the Table process could be applied to what is already out there and working.  This may be a useful exploration. 

Best regards,
Jan Allen 

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