[Dialogue] response from Senator Frist re assault weapons

Colleen Smith pucksters at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 9 00:09:26 EDT 2004

I recieved the following in response to a short email I sent urging the ban on assault weapons to be continued.  I wept when I read it.  I did not know who to share it with, so you all got it. 
Colleen Smith

"Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts on the semi-automatic
assault weapon ban.  It is an honor to serve you in the Senate and a
privilege to respond to your concerns.

Gun control is a controversial issue.  People acting in good faith will
very often disagree on the most effective way to address violent crime
while recognizing the rights of law abiding gun owners, and I respect the
diversity of views on this important matter.

I have long believed that further federal regulation of gun ownership is
not the best answer to preventing violent crime, and I am a strong
supporter of the Second Amendment.  Our enemy is the criminal, not the
weapon.  A person intent on committing a violent crime will not be stopped
by more gun control laws.  Instead, Congress and the States should work to
ensure that violent crimes are vigorously prosecuted, to keep guns out of
the hands of criminals and to better enforce our existing laws.  Through
this common sense approach, we can continue to reduce violent crime across
the nation and protect the rights of law abiding gun owners.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  As the Senate continues to face many
complex and challenging issues, I hope you will continue to give me the
benefit of your thoughts and advice.

I am sure that all past and present families of those killed by domestic assault weapons AK47's and uzzies- will be comforted to know that violent crimes will be vigorously prosecukted. 

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
April 16, 1953

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