[Dialogue] Fwd: Fraud Alert

RenREAMES@aol.com RenREAMES at aol.com
Wed Sep 22 17:41:00 EDT 2004

Cynthia, thanks for the Fraud Alert warning.   HOW ARE you anyway.   It seems 
that our ways crossed in Japan briefly a number of years ago.   The Denver 
team is encouraged that our first Neighborhood Academy is getting underway with 
the orientation this coming Friday night.  Our partner is Mutual Housing which 
provides housing mainly, but not exclusively for immigrant families, and 
we're pleased that two colleagues from Chicago and Phoenix will be coming to get 
us started.   Then we hope that at least one Denver colleague will attend and 
get trained in the process.   
     We're also hoping to eventually offer training for the Learning Basket 
Project that Keith Packard has worked on so diligently - it's actually a 
literacy project for ages 3 months to 3 years.   Keith has worked out guides in 
Spanish and English so it's very appropriate for Denver, and she did one of the 
presentations in Antigua with the Wholistic Learning "Thread" which I attended.  
  Presentations, facilitation and conscientious planners contributed to a 
very worth-while experiences.   And Antigua is quite a fascinating city.
     Best wishes,

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