[Dialogue] Completed Life of Mark Poole

Michael & Molly Shaw mandmshaw at comcast.net
Thu Sep 30 21:18:24 EDT 2004

The family of Mark Poole has asked me to let you know that Mark passed away
this morning at his home.  His wife, Jean, and sister, Marian Karpoff were
with him when he died.  Family is gathering in Seattle.  There will be a
memorial service Saturday, October 9th.  The time of the memorial is to be
determined.  He will be missed by the community he touched so deeply with
his passion and his care.  

If you would like to communicate with Jean and the family, the address is:

12036 Hiram Place NE
Seattle, WA 98125-5324

More will be posted here when it is known.

Michael Shaw 

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