[Dialogue] Recommending Jim Wallis and Jeffery Sachs

Darrell Walker darrell66 at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 8 00:27:15 EDT 2005

George Holcome said:
" According to some sources 3
Trillion dollars has been blown since the 1950's and there is more
poverty number wise and percentage wise now than then."

Darrell replies:
    This book may have been mentioned on the list previously but I'll 
reference it again since it deals directly with the above allegation.  John 
Perkins' book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man explains where and why some 
of that money went.  It went to pay for facilities intended to make 
developing countries beholden to the United States.  Much of it went into 
the pockets of American corporations or the Swiss bank accounts of 
privileged families, thanks be to the World Bank over which we now have a 
new  American "benevolent dictator."  The book is worth a read assuming one 
is not subject to fits of depression.
    Darrell Walker

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