[Dialogue] A washingtonpost.com article from: jimripsr@qwest.net

jimripsr@qwest.net jimripsr at qwest.net
Fri Aug 5 14:08:04 EDT 2005

You have been sent this message from jimripsr at qwest.net as a courtesy of washingtonpost.com 
 Personal Message:
 From Jim Rippey: A key excerpt: "we are failing to give Iraq's young people much to feel dignified about. Western companies are making massive profits providing services to the coalition; why aren't we building an entrepreneurial class from within the ranks of Iraq's young?"
 A Future Beyond a Funeral
 By Ed O'Connell
 BAGHDAD -- Touring a print shop downtown last summer, I tried to draw out one of the workers, a shy boy of 17 or so, about his daily life. Head down and hands behind his back, he spoke of the searing emptiness facing Iraqi youth; there are no discos, few cafes and little opportunity to interact...
 To view the entire article, go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/04/AR2005080401832.html?referrer=emailarticle
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