Marge Philbrook icaarchives at igc.org
Sun Jan 16 17:27:34 EST 2005

I send our love and respect.  We celebrate Jay's life with you.  Marge 

David & Lin Zahrt wrote:

> Jay Zahrt Freed, 42, of Carson City, NV, died unexpectedly in his 
> sleep at his parents' home near Turin on January 9, 2005.
> Jay is survived by his wife Patricia Freed, of Carson City, NV, his 
> parents David and Linda Zahrt of Turin, IA, his sister Heidi of 
> Camarillo, CA, grandmother Luella Reese of Pleasant View Care Center 
> in Whiting; IA,  aunts Christy Tews of Carson City, NV, Jo Reese 
> Nelson of Toronto, Ontario, Karen Bird of Berkeley, CA and their 
> families, and uncle Alan Marken of Clear Lake, IA and his family.
> A memorial service will be held in Carson City in July 1, 2005; his 
> birthday, and Jay and Trish's wedding anniversary.
> The following tribute was written by Jay's sister Heidi, and his wife, 
> Trish.
> Jay Zahrt Freed, Bodhisattva
> It is with tears and laughter, sorrow and joy that Jay's family 
> acknowledges the end of his earth-bound presence. As we gathered in 
> the Iowa farmhouse in which he died we cradled his ashes in our arms. 
> We remembered his too brief existence, and searched for the words to 
> say goodbye to the man we love so much.
> Jay, as we send you on your journey, we urge you not to stop in the 
> dark places, but to spread your love as you travel your path. Many 
> lives were touched by your gentle, caring spirit, and we defined so 
> much of ourselves by our relationship with you. Your curiosity, 
> ingenuity and creativity awed us. Your core beliefs included a 
> reverence for the environment and a quest for peace. On the other 
> hand, your cynicism could ruffle our feathers.
> You despaired when we were in pain and yet you knew how to celebrate 
> our joyful moments. You may not have recognized how you buoyed us 
> through rough waters all these years, and we no longer feel fully 
> ourselves without you. As we each return to our day-to-day lives, we 
> remember your integrity and your chosen purpose on this earth-to 
> reduce suffering. We carry forth your intention of lovingkindness into 
> the world, with you in our hearts.
> We love you.

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