[Dialogue] Earth Activist Training

LAURELCG@aol.com LAURELCG at aol.com
Tue Jul 12 16:55:56 EDT 2005

Date: June 28, 2005 12:41:31 PM PDT

To: mer at starhawk.org

Subject: Earth Activist Training w/ Starhawk--announcement

Dear friends, colleagues, editors, and co-conspirators,

Please help us get the word out about upcoming Earth Activist

Trainings.  Below is our short announcement.  We'd be grateful

if you'd post it on your e-lists, announce it on radio, publish in

calendars, send to interested friends, and so on.  Wherever is

suitable, and suits your fancy.

A reminder that about 40% of our students attend on

worktrade/scholarship, and we're always interested in strong scholarship

candidates: folks who are now working to help others become more

sustainable, and who'll share the concepts and techniques we can teach

'em.  Scholarship deadline is July 16 (Sept session), and Nov 12

(Jan session).

I'd be glad to snail-mail you printed flyers, too.  Just ask.

Thanks so much, and see you at the compost pile of life ;)


EAT coordinator


Learn to create the world you want to live in!  Starhawk and

Erik Ohlsen, with Penny Livingston-Stark, teach Earth

Activist Training: a two-week intensive that synergizes permaculture,

effective activism, nature awareness, and spirituality.  Next EAT

sessions are September 11-25, 2005; and January 7-21, 2006. 

Location: Northern California.  Cost: $1100-$1600 sliding scale,

worktrade and loans available.  And new this year: "Honoring

the Land: Building WITH Nature," a hands-on workshop with Starhawk

and Ethan Castro, September 27-October 1, 2005.  For more

information, visit


  Questions? mer at starhawk.org or voicemail 707-583-2300, ext 119.

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