[Dialogue] ICA International Conference Center, Chicago

Chagnon@comcast.net Chagnon at comcast.net
Tue Oct 11 16:10:14 EDT 2005

   Looking for information on the Resources page of the ICA-USA website, (http://www.ica-usa.org/resrc.html), the second article on that page caught my eye.   
   It's about the International Conference Center:  Dean Keith Anderson, Northwestern College, Iowa, tells how he, with faculty members, hundreds of students, and some of his peers have experienced ICA's hospitality and transformative learning at the corner of North Sheridan and Lawrence in Uptown Chicago over the past 15 years.
   Well worth reading.
Lucille Chagnon
in Wilmington, DE where the leaves have begun to fall but are still green this late in the season. 

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