[Dialogue] George Will

Chagnon@comcast.net Chagnon at comcast.net
Sun Oct 23 19:15:36 EDT 2005

Thank you, Ruth Landmann, for the George Will piece.  
   George Will is one of the best baseball writers around.  Yes, that George Will.  But for years I've cringed as I read his Newsweek pieces on just about any aspect of politics, to the point that I'd leave most unfinished.   Over the past several months, however, I've noticed that both he and Patrick J. Buchanan are two conservatives who are looking at the broader picture, seeing with both eyes, and speaking out forcefully.  (It has made me wonder if this is the same PJBuchanan of right wing fame--can someone set me straight?)
   Anyway, thanks and keep those pieces coming, y'all.
Lucille Chagnon
Wilmington, DE

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