[Dialogue] Indicting America

Harry Wainwright h-wainwright at charter.net
Sat Oct 29 20:03:22 EDT 2005

Colleagues, a good article by Scott Ritter, a former chief U.N. weapons
inspector. Peace, Harry 

Published on Saturday, October 29, 2005 by CommonDreams.org 

Indicting America 

by Scott Ritter


New York -- The indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby by Special Prosecutor
Patrick J. Fitzgerald provides the most cogent and visible evidence to date
of the criminal mindset that exists inside the Bush administration regarding
the decision to invade Iraq. 

The indictment is linked to Libby's involvement in illegally revealing the
identity of a covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame, in violation of U.S. law,
and the resultant conspiracy to deny and cover up the fact that this crime
had in fact taken place. But the real crime committed here is the deception
leading to war carried out by the Bush administration, in particular the
activities of the vice president, Dick Cheney, and his chief of staff,
"Scooter" Libby, which is why they felt they needed to go after former
Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, Plame. 

The outing of Plame was just the tip of this criminal enterprise. The
specific charge - making false statements to a grand jury - is in fact the
best indicator of the true nature of the crimes committed by Libby and, by
extension, the Bush administration. 

Acting at the behest of the vice president, Libby was a key figure behind
inserting dubious and unverified intelligence data alleging the existence of
Iraqi weapons of mass destruction into the public arena, either by leaking
this information to reporters such as The New York Times' Judith Miller, or
by having it referenced in high-profile speeches such as the president's
2003 State of the Union Address or Colin Powell's now-infamous presentation
to the Security Council in February 2003. 

Cheney and Libby were behind the decision to mislead Congress, in particular
the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's investigation into the reasons
why the U.S. intelligence community had gotten it so wrong about Iraqi WMD
capabilities. (Contrary to the much-hyped case made by the Bush
administration in justifying the decision to invade Iraq, no WMD were found
in Iraq, and the CIA subsequently acknowledged that all Iraqi WMD had been
destroyed by the summer of 1991). 

To Cheney and Libby, Joseph Wilson had committed the ultimate sin when he
publicly challenged President Bush's case for war with Iraq by exposing the
fraudulent nature of the administration's very public claims that Iraq had
attempted to acquire uranium "yellowcake" from Niger. 

If true, the "yellowcake" story would have bolstered the president and vice
president's assertions that Iraq had resurrected its nuclear weapons
program, thus legitimizing the case for war. But the reality is that the
"yellowcake" claim, like all of the Cheney- and Libby-peddled intelligence,
was specious, in this case derived from forged documents. 

Wilson's exposure of this fraud was seen not only as an act of betrayal, but
also rightly recognized as a threat to the entire charade that was the Bush
administration's fabricated case for war. If left unchallenged, Wilson's
claims could have initiated a process that would have unraveled the entire
fabric of deception and lies woven by Cheney, Libby and the Bush
administration about the non-existent Iraqi WMD threat. As far as Cheney and
Libby were concerned, truth was the enemy, and truth-tellers were to be
attacked and destroyed. 

And now the lies have come home to roost. But the indictment of Libby must
not be the final punctuation in this tragic tale of lies and deception.
Instead, it should serve as a much-needed boost for Congress, the media and
ultimately the American people to carry out a massive re-examination of the
totality of the processes that took place in the lead-up to the invasion of

The lies of Cheney, Libby and the Bush administration regarding Iraqi WMD
did not take place in a vacuum. Congressional checks and balances,
especially in the form of relevant oversight committees, were non-existent;
the few hearings held served as little more than sham hearings designed to
amplify a case for war that was accepted at face value, without question,
despite the fact that all involved knew the supporting evidence was either
non-existent or paper-thin. 

The fourth estate was likewise reduced to little more than a propagandistic
extension of the White House and Pentagon, losing any claim to journalistic
integrity through its slavish parroting, without question, of anything that
painted Saddam Hussein's regime in a negative light, especially when it came
to the issue of retained WMD. At the receiving end of this tangled web of
lies and incompetence are the American people. Having been duped into a war
that has to date cost the lives of over 2,000 members of the armed forces
(not to mention hundreds of our coalition partners and tens of thousands of
Iraqis), the question now is how the citizenry of the world's most powerful
representative democracy will respond. 

Void of a major backlash on the part of the American people in response to
the deliberate falsification and deceit that has transpired regarding Iraq
and the now-debunked case for war, the Libby indictment may prove to be
little more than an exercise in damage control. 

Already senior Republican officials, such as Texas Sen. Kay Bailey
Hutchinson, are calling the Libby indictment a mere "technicality."
Right-wing pundits refer to the indictment as the "criminalization of
politics," as if lying one's way into an illegal war of aggression is
somehow akin to politics as usual. 

If the American people go along with such blatant attempts at obscuring the
reality of the criminal conspiracy that has been committed, then it is
perhaps time we finally lay to rest this experiment we call American
democracy. At the very minimum, Congress should be compelled into action.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and in particular its two
senior senators, Pat Robertson, R-Kan., and Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va, should
not only complete their investigation into how the Bush administration used
(or misused) intelligence to formulate Iraq policy, but also re-open its
initial report into the so-called "intelligence failure" regarding the
flawed WMD assessments, with the intent to indict any and all who conspired
to keep relevant information from, or made false statements to, that
committee during the conduct of its original investigation. 

There must be a wider investigation into the totality of the criminal
conspiracy undertaken by the Bush administration to defraud 

Congress and the American people about the issue of war with Iraq, and in
particular the case used to justify the invasion of that country. The crime
that was committed goes far beyond the outing of a rogue diplomat's
CIA-affiliated spouse, as serious as that charge may be. The deliberate and
systematic manner in which the Bush administration, from the president on
down, peddled misleading, distorted and fabricated information to Congress
and the American people represents a frontal assault on the very system of
government the United States of America proclaims to champion. 

Scott Ritter is a former chief U.N. weapons inspector who participated in 52
missions in Iraq, 14 of which he led. He is the author of the newly released
"Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence
>  Conspiracy to Undermine the U.N. and Overthrow Saddam Hussein" (Nation

C Copyright Global Viewpoint 



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