[Dialogue] Filter still working wonderfully!

Ruth Landmann tddynewf at cruzio.com
Mon Sep 12 22:20:58 EDT 2005

I've been perplexed for months as to why I don't receive the Dialogue 
and OE lists; I've just discovered that my ISP's junk collector keeps 
them each week, and I've believed that it was all spam that I was 
tossing away having once upon a time, many moons ago, gone through 
the "junk" and manually moved all the addresses that were "good". Oh 
well, now one of you geniuses can tell me how to make sure my 
Dialogue and OE  junk mail filtered out by my ISP can be saved 
without my having to go to their web site and checking everyday or 
every week.

BTW, I'll probably have to retrieve your responses from the Junk Mail 
Filter unless you respond directly to my address. <vbg>
Ruth Landmann, Webmaster
http://www.riodelmar.santacruz.k12.ca.us (updated 9/11/05)
Rio del Mar School: where kind hearts and open minds rule.

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