grapevin@comcast.net grapevin at comcast.net
Tue Sep 20 19:54:25 EDT 2005

We have three groups going here.  I'm leading one tonight (second week).  I agree on the use of the questions.  Our leaders tend to jump to the interpretive too soon. I find that there is significant repetition of the ideas but that is good because people have a difficulty hearing some of what is said.  Having multiple speakers and short presentations allows ideas to be grounded from different directions.  Five of the first week speakers are Jesus Seminar Fellows and I've heard them all several times.  Living the Questions, however, has really presented this well to the Lay audience.  

One of the Seminar Fellows, Paul Alan Laughlin has written a book called Remedial Christianity that I have used in a 8 to 9 week adult class at two churches. Laughlin is a professor of religion at Otterbein College in Ohio. This book presents most of the same content in very simple terms (including cartoons) and also deals with the history of Christianity, the historical Jesus and where he sees the church going in the future.  (His next book was on the history of Bhudism.).  I have 4 x 4s and discussion questions if anyone is interested. Most participants have said that the term Remedial turned them off and afterwards said they really learned a lot.  You can get the soft cover  book at Polebridge Press at the Westar Institute on the internet.  Laughlin is also presenting at the Jesus Seminar here in Santa Rosa in October.

Dave Rebstock

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Ruth, 
> We have just started the series with about 14 of us. It is on Sunday 
> morning...which gives us 1 hr 15 minutes...so no meal, etc. 
> From a very limited exposure so far, I think the key is being able to 
> use the ORID process for questions after the DVD. The recommended 
> questions in the guide follow this flow pretty well...so if you can get 
> your pastor to use those, that is a start. Also...no defensiveness, or 
> "answers"...but an openness to each individual journey. 
> It is good stuff and we'll learn more along the way, I'm sure. 
> Priscilla 
> On Sep 17, 2005, at 1:26 PM, Ruth Landmann wrote: 
> >> We are starting the series this sunday, 1 1/2 hours. those of us 
> >> planning it are pleased. We 
> >> have had Borg and Spong as well as some of the others at our church. 
> >> The Wesley Club, 
> >> (college ) is doing the full 2 1/2 hour. we'll let you know how it 
> >> goes. jean 
> >> 
> >> 
> > 
> > Our pastor is starting the series next Wednesday night. How much 
> > training does the presenter undertake? 
> > Our pastor is less than inspiring. I wish he knew how to draw the 
> > scripture/lessons through his life experiences rather than preach at 
> > us in the abstract. ;-) 
> > -- 
> > Ruth Landmann, Webmaster 
> > http://www.riodelmar.santacruz.k12.ca.us (updated 9/16/05) 
> > Rio del Mar School: where kind hearts and open minds rule. 
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> ***************************** 
> Priscilla Wilson 
> TeamTech Press 
> Mission Hills, KS 66208 
> 913-432-2107 
> pwilson at teamtechinc.com 
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