[Dialogue] Future Search

Chagnon at comcast.net Chagnon at comcast.net
Wed Apr 26 22:10:47 EDT 2006

   I attended a Future Search workshop in Philadelphia years ago led by Marv Weisbord and his partner Sandra Janoff.  
   Our colleague Pat Tuecke contributed a wonderful article to a book that Marv edited:
"Discovering Common Ground--How Future Search Conferences Bring People Together to Achieve Breakthrough Innovation, Empowerment, Shared Vision, and Collaborative Action"  by Marvin Weisbord and 35 international co-authors.   "Case studies showing theory in action from around the world. A definitive book on the underlying theory, research, and practical applications providing general guidelines for successful conferences. 444 pages, Berrett-Koehler, 1992. "
      A quick google search led me to   well.com/~bbear/weisbord.html   and an interview that Joe Flower did:  "A Conversation with Marvin Weisbord--Future Search: A Power Tool for Building Healthier Communities"  from The Healthcare Forum Journal, vol. 38 no. 3, May-June 1995.  I just printed out the 12 pages through which Weisbord takes us step by step through a typical Future Search conference" like the one I attended and shows "how it is different from much of the problem-solving and brainstorming that we are used to."
   Hope this helps.
Lucille Chagnon
Wilmington, DE

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