[Dialogue] Hyperbaric chamber treatment

Marge Philbrook icaarchives at igc.org
Tue Aug 29 21:10:59 EST 2006

When Lela Philbrook, Phil's mother had a stroke in the early 80s, Phil 
had a friend in Chicago who was a respiratory therapy professor.  
Although he never did a scientific study of results, he used hyperbaric 
for older people for a variety of things like dementia and had great 
stories to tell. He suggested a series of 15 hyperbaric sessions, so we 
brought her to Chicago.  The chamber at Ravenswood hospital was like a 
room where several patients sat or were maybe one was on a gurnee.  Her 
storke had left her lethargic but not paralyzed.  When she first 
started, she just sat there. In a few days, she started taking her 
knitting, etc.  At home, we would wake her up in the morning, and tell 
her to get dressed, then we went to wake her up and she was already 
awake, then a couple of days she had already walked her dog, then she 
had already gone into the kitchen and had made breakfast, etc.  I asked 
the attendant if I could go in with her one day and he said, sure.  The 
difference that I noticed with just one session was I was wide awake and 
full of energy until midnight.  This was during a summer program when by 
that time we were usually getting worn out.  When we took Lela home to 
New Orleans, her daughters said "you brought our mother back to us."  
She was able then to live alone and care for herself for several years 
before she moved in to live with us after we retired. 
When my mother was having small strokes, I tried to find a chamber that 
would do the same thing for her in Baton Rouge.  I found someone in San 
Antonio, but he said that there was not enough evidence that it was 
helpful with strokes for him to risk his reputation, because he was 
still trying to convince people that it was helpful in healing wounds 
and burns.  So, we found someone in Dallas who nonchalant about the 
whole thing and we took her there for a series of sessions.  She was in 
a wheelchair much of the time and using a walker.  On the third day, she 
got up out of the wheel chair and walked around the house where we were 
visiting.  It was like she didn't remember that she couldn't walk 
without a walker.  We didn't finish the series because someone died but 
we continued to notice many differences in her, while she continued to 
have small strokes for several years.
Last year, I was telling my kids to remember about hyperbaric if I have 
a stroke when I am old and one of them suggested, why would I wait.  So 
I went on line and found a new place in a suburb.  I went there, saw a 
doctor who agreed and did a series of 3 sessions.  I have no idea 
whether this had any influence on my life or my wellbeing.
I would definitely recommend hyperbaric treatment for Hubert. 

FacilitationFla at aol.com wrote:
> Check out google using the 3 words below. (I just did)  lots of info. 
> about Phoenix.
> hyperbaric chamber phoenix
> Cynthia N. Vance
> Strategics International Inc.
> 8245 SW 116 Terrace
> Miami, Florida, 33156
> 305-378-1327; fax 305-378-9178
> http://members.aol.com/facilitationfla
> Want to build your own facilitation skills?
> Want to meet facilitators from around the world and in your own backyard?
> Mark your calendar for the International Assoc. of Facilitators 
> Conference 2007
> Portland, Oregon -- March 8-10, 2007. See www.iaf-world.org 
> <http://www.iaf-world.org/>
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