[Dialogue] "Lonely Place"

Jim Baumbach wtw0bl at new.rr.com
Thu Dec 7 10:29:10 EST 2006

Jim did you try to google "wedgeblade?"

Here is an interesting church website that uses the symbol extensively...


Although I have not heard about the Shadow Rock UCC in Shadow Rock AZ, 
there is no question about their use of the symbol as a meaningful part 
of their ministry as well as the influence of EI and RS-1 had upon 
them.  All the other hits are primarily ICA sites and a lonely golf club.

Jim Baumbach

James Wiegel wrote:
> How about if someone googles "Sensitive and responsive part" . . .
> This is cool.
> Jim Wiegel
> 401 North Beverly Way Tolleson, Arizona 85353-2401
> +1 623-936-8671 jfwiegel at yahoo.com
> Try something new and different. You will like the results.
> Fortune Cookie 10/16/06
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