[Dialogue] EPA Air Pollution Plan Puts Politics Before Science

Harry Wainwright h-wainwright at charter.net
Thu Dec 14 18:12:36 EST 2006

Union of Concerned Scientists
Citizens and Scientists for Environmental Solutions

December 8, 2006

EPA Air Pollution Plan Puts Politics Before Science 
Statement by Francesca Grifo, Senior Scientist and Director of the Union of
Concerned Scientists' (UCS) Scientific Integrity Program 

"The EPA needs independent science to protect the public's health and
safety.  Unfortunately, the EPA has just announced measures that will allow
it to circumvent independent scientific input from its own scientists and
advisory committees by increasing the role political appointees play and
diminishing the role of scientists. The announcement comes just weeks after
the Clean Air Science Advisory Committee and EPA scientists spoke out
against the agency's failure to adequately protect the public from dangerous
air pollution. 

"This announcement is more of the same from an administration that cares
about political science more than independent science. Furthermore, the
decision sidelines science at a time when the EPA is actively considering
revising standards meant to protect the public's health from lead and ozone
pollution. The EPA's announcement means the best available science will now
be watered down by politics, and the public's health will suffer as a

C Union of Concerned Scientists

Page Last Revised: 12/08/06

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