[Dialogue] Brian Stanfield

Jack Gilles icabombay at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 9 14:30:54 EDT 2006

Dear Jeanette,

Judy and I acknowledge and celebrate the completed life of Brian.  We 
remember him as such a great man.  His love for the Order, the Church and 
the Movement where obvious and sustaining to us all.  I remember his so 
fondly during his assignment to India.  Upon his and your shoulders we all 
stood taller.  And finally, we want to recognize one of the great love 
affairs of our community.  You two were a couple that represented the best 
of our call for missional marriages.  You were always a sign of what two 
people in love could be.  Please sing extra loud at the celebration so that 
we may all hear you!!

Love, Grace and Peace,

Jack & Judy Gilles

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