[Dialogue] The Jesus Dynasty

frank bremner fjbremner at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 16 02:06:51 EDT 2006

Dear folks

I recently read Kathy Reich's "Cross Bones" and am now reading "The Jesus 
Dynasty" by Dr James Tabor.  Anybody else?

I'm writing something in my mind  and in doodles on paper - along the lines 
of "Does it matter?" (what the archeologists find).  It partly touches on 
the EI-to-ICA move we did a long time ago.  It also touches on how to be a 
deep ecumenist (as in John Cock's "Spirit Journey" book) while touching 
ground in a local situation.  As someone said some time back - I think it 
was Panikar as relayed by Mary de Souza - "this is a good problem to have 
for a few hundred years".


Frank Bremner

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