[Dialogue] (no subject)

frank bremner fjbremner at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 1 06:45:04 EDT 2007

Dear folks!

I know a lot of you may not be able to get to this event, but we'll be 
thinking of you.  As we'll be thinking of "absent friends", in particular 
those who've departed in the past year or so.

I have a lot more invitations to send out by post. I have an area of 
Charlie's Diner that will seat about 160+.

The theme?  I'm inviting all sorts of people that I've had something to do 
with over 60 years.  Some of you are representative of particular times, 
places, events.  I was more closely involved with others for a time, but no 
longer - eg the various sports teams.  Some people were extremely 
influential in my thinking and I still think back on those times - eg 
teachers at school, university and so on.  Sometimes someone will have been 
an influential colleague.  Sometime someone will just (just????) have been a 

I have had the idea for a bigger event, but the thinking towards this event 
will continue toward a very interesting event in 2011 "When I'm 64".

So if you can, please come.  Most likely you'll meet people you haven't seen 
for a long time.

Best wishes

Frank Bremner

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