[Dialogue] congregation-based community organizing

LAURELCG at aol.com LAURELCG at aol.com
Fri Aug 17 19:54:17 EDT 2007

Dear Martin,

Keith Bergthold, the CEO of the Relational Culture Institute in Fresno, CA, 
has been to our community several times, and he uses the term congregation 
based community organizing.  "RCI is a faith-based community organizing entrprise 
committed to developing and sustaining a regional grassroots leadership 
network of urban and rural congregation-based community organizations in the five 
counties of the south San Joaquin Valley of California."  They are also related 
to something called the PICO National Network.
They take the "Elements of Generating Profound Change" from THE DANCE OF 
CHANGE by Peer Senge, et al, 2000.  They begin organizing with 1 to1 meetings and 
house meetings to get out individual issues and action ideas.  I had a 1 - 1 
visit from them after attending several contextual talks, but I don't think 
they're still coming to our town (Lindsay, California.)

Mr Bergthold's e-mail address is keith at relational-culture.com.  They 
evidently have a website:  www.relationalculture.org.

Hope this is helpful.  I have a folder of handouts.  Let me know if you want 
me to mail them to you.
Jann McGuire

In a message dated 8/16/07 2:38:53 AM, rcwmbw at yahoo.com writes:


"Martin Gilbraith (ICA:UK)" <martin at ica-uk.org.uk> wrote:

  Dear all, 

Do any of our colleagues in the US have any experience of "congregation-based 

community organizing"? 

My partner Derek is involved with the Faith Network for Manchester where we 
live here 

in the UK, and it is exploring new ways to increase the influence of faith 
communities and 

others in decision-making processes. The mechanism of "congregation-based 

community organizing" (CCBO) is being used and Greg Galluzzo, Director of the 

Gamaliel Foundation in the US, is supporting the initiative. 

If any of you have any experience of working or supporting such a way of 
working, Derek 

would be grateful to hear of it, and any advantages or pitfalls. Have any of 
the ICA ToP 

or other tools been used? 

many thanks,



Martin Gilbraith, Director 

ICA:UK, registered charity #1090745 & company limited by 

guarantee #3970365

registered in England & Wales, at 41 Old Birley Street, Manchester 

M15 5RF

tel/fax: 0845 450 0305 or 0161 232 8444 - website: www.ica-


a member of the Institute of Cultural Affairs International

"concerned with the human factor in world development" >>

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