[Dialogue] Matthews on Secondary Ethics (Integrity)
Charles or Doris Hahn
cdhahn at flash.net
Sat Aug 25 14:59:11 EDT 2007
G'day Frank
Thanks for your thoughts and the description of Joe's
image. I do not recall seeing it before. I was in
Chicago that Summer, but I do not recall what I was
doing. I had just become prior of Management Centrum,
and there was much to do. I'm not certain how much I
participated in the "Summer". Great to receive a word
from "down under". Greeting to all my great
colleagues there.
--- frank bremner <fjbremner at hotmail.com> wrote:
> G'day CharlesWhen I taught a year 12 high school
> class in Religion back in early 96 the topic for the
> 3 months was "Christian ethics". I compared
> "contextual ethics" (as JWM used it) with
> "situational ethics" (as Fletcher used it). The
> former is just a higher, deeper and longer version
> of the latter. The latter was too easily distorted
> to "if it feels right, do it!" I used the diagram
> from S79 Chicago, with the cosmic story above, the
> internal depth story (Jung etc) below, the Creation
> to the left, and the Eschaton to the right. And of
> course, how far up, down and wide you go for your
> context depends on the situation.> Date: Thu, 23 Aug
> 2007 12:32:28 -0700> From: cdhahn at flash.net> To:
> dialogue at wedgeblade.net> Subject: Re: [Dialogue]
> Matthews on Secondary Ethics (Integrity)> > Hi
> Janice and all the others in this dialogue,> >
> Janice, thanks for your care filled reflections on>
> this event (Marshalls Witness). Marshall
> certainly> touched some nerves, and released some
> minds---and> some emotions to respond. I can
> understand and affirm> just about all the responses
> that have been made;> however, your inclusion of
> Mathews talk from Summer> 1977 was most revealing.
> His decision not to push the> word SECONDARY was
> important. I think he saw that the> idea had been
> misused and abused. He chose to stick> strictly
> with the word INTEGRITY and what that word> had come
> to mean for him. I found this piece very> helpful.>
> > I also wonder if we should be working to reclaim
> the> term, Contextual Ethics. It makes more sense
> to me. > I no longer remember who created or
> introduced the> term, but I do know that it carries
> a lot of meaning> to me. I also know that it calls
> forth the wrath of> the fundamentalists and biblical
> literalists. Can> someone re-establish the origins
> for me.> > Marshall thanks for triggering this
> dialogue. > > Charles Hahn> > eblade.net>
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