[Dialogue] Primary/Secondary Integrity in HDP's

Adelbert Batica abatica at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 30 19:37:31 EDT 2007


As you know, Elsa and I were in Azpitia until early November, 1979.  The 
Packards were still in Sol de Septiembre at the time, but George gave us 
some development "assist" that week prior to our departure for Chicago.  It 
was hard not to be moved in some strange way in Azpitia if one stayed long 
enough.  There's just something magical about that place.  Just like 
"Milagro"?  If you can, watch the movie version of "Milagro Beanfield War", 
and you'll see that a portion of the terrain of the Hollywood version of 
"Milagro" closely resembles Azpitia, especially the church plaza.

BTW, Rodney had a fun time in Sudtonggan in the fall of 1976 as part of the 
"Economic Acceleration Team".  He also stayed a month there, and was even 
able to mark "All Saints" and "All Souls Day" in Sudtonggan.  He couldn't do 
anything else anyway for 3 days, other than hang out - the whole country 
shuts down on Nov. 1 and 2.

Those were the days!


----Original Message Follows----
From: Wilson Priscilla <pwilson at teamtechinc.com>
Reply-To: Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
To: Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
Subject: Re: [Dialogue] Primary/Secondary Integrity in HDP's
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 21:10:16 -0500

Our daughter and I spent a month in Azpitia when she was a freshman  in high 
school. The Packards were there then and I don't remember for  sure what 
year that was.

On the wall in the bathroom next to my office I have four framed  pictures 
from Azpitia...the "land", the "river", the "mountain", and  the "sea." So I 
think of that wonderous place every time I go in  there. We weren't really 
there long enough to experience the  connections you relish...but it was 
clear that would be a place where  that was possible if you were staying 

On Aug 29, 2007, at 7:02 PM, Adelbert Batica wrote:

>Marshall -
>If and when the "re-release" does happen...will this DVD also have  
>"Special Features", such as a) Choice of Language (in case one  needs 
>subtitles), b) the film with the filmmaker's commentaries, c)  interviews 
>with the "cast" and "consultants".  I'm sure I wasn't  "cast" in "The World 
>of Human Development", the best the world saw  of me was the back of my 
>head, displayed onscreen for a couple of  seconds.
>Yes, let Lynn and the younger generation produce another film!  And  let 
>them "Take the Lead", a la "Mad Hot Ballroom" (this one's  actually an HD 
>film, for those who care to see, in the same manner  that "Sister Act" 
>True, Sudtonggan was "Chosen".  But Dick Alton - just in case you  didn't 
>know...Azpitia was not the "Chosen One".  Until the day of  Elsa's and my 
>sendout to Peru...we thought we were headed for  "Antioquia" (that's the 
>Spanish for "Antioch").  It was Joe Crocker  who informed us that Azpitia 
>was the last-minute pick, and the  "Lima Cadre" had a big hand in picking 
>this village.  The "Power of  Mystery"?  And when we finally made our first 
>visit to Azpitia, all  I could say to myself was..."They couldn't have 
>picked a worse  place to do a project."  Again, the "Power of Mystery" at 
>work -  what appeared to my own eyes as a curse, actually turned out to be  
>a blessing later, much later.  But at that point, I could only see  
>"Danger" instead of "Opportunity".
>25 years later...I was saying to myself:  LO IMPOSIBLE ES POSIBLE.   In the 
>end, I had recall one of our favorite "serenades" at the  Consult:  "Todos 
>vuelven a la tierra de Azpitia..."  "Everybody  comes back to the Land of 
>Azpitia."  "Power of Mystery"?
>You're absolutely right, Marshall, or you guessed it right - I  found in 
>Azpitia what I couldn't find in other places - that rare  human connection 
>(okay "connected-ness", if you still want to be  Order jargonesse as we 
>reflect on our "do-ments"!)  25 years, and  yet the flame didn't die down.  
>And I'm going back - again.  What's  it like to be there?  Try:  "Land of 
>Mystery", "Mountain of Care",  "River of Consciousness", and "Sea of 
>Tranquility".  And the real  magic is: all this imagery is captured by the 
>actual terrain of  Azpitia: The Land (plus the beautiful Mala Valley), the 
>Mountain  (oh, you mean "mountains" and hills that surround you), the Mala  
>River right below the village, the Sea (that's right, the coast of  the 
>Pacific, only 7 miles away).  You've got your I.E. and "Other  World" 
>journey right there.  One has to be a carrot not to be moved  by that 
>indescribable experience.
>Plus an earthquake or two, if we're still disbelieving of the  "Power of 
>Grace and Peace,
>From:  "W. J." <synergi at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To:  Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
>To:  Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
>Subject:  Re: [Dialogue] Primary/Secondary Integrity in HDP's
>Date:  Wed, 29 Aug 2007 13:38:17 -0700 (PDT)
>No, Addi, I'm not organizing The Tour, and I won't be your  tourguide. 
>Sounds like you're a better man for the job.
>When Dick Alton recently asked me to go to Africa and shoot another  movie, 
>the idea was so hilariously funny I actually laughed him out  of the 
>restaurant! I'm leaving that stuff to the younger  generation. Like Lyn 
>True (see her film Lumo on PBS/POV Sept 18).  
>All I'm promising now is that ICAI will re-release on DVD the movie  about 
>the way life was 30 years ago in those incredible HDP's.
>While we didn't wave our magic wand and raise up Seventy-six  Trombones in 
>every village,
>we raised up at least seventy-six Iron Men and Women in every  village, as 
>your journeys attest. And then after a few years, we  intentionally melted 
>away and left them in charge.
>One never knows when the next earthquake will come and shake 'em  loose, 
>literally or figuratively. But I'm sure having the ICA come  to town was 
>like an earthquake. Joe Mathews and the Area Prior  would do their 
>authorization visits, and then they'd drive around  for days to find the 
>most dusty, crummy, sleepy little forgotten  places near an airport where 
>we could get a toehold. It was like  nailing up a big sign that said 
>"Selected for Transformation!"
>in Earthquake Country
>Adelbert Batica <abatica at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Just to follow up on your planned a la Cecil B. de Mille  production, are 
>you sure you really want to see Sudtonggan in its  current condition?  The 
>last time Elsa and I visited the village  was in September, 1995.  And it 
>looked different from its 1977  condition.  It's hard to describe it, so I 
>guess you'll have to see  it for yourself.  As Indiana Jones would put it:  
>"There's only one  way to find out..."
>I visited Cebu again in 1996, and yes - landed at Mactan  International 
>Airport, but skipped Sudtonggan.  Visited Cebu again  in 2003, and skipped 
>both Mactan Island and Sudtonggan altogether.   So, perhaps instead of a 
>"de colores" clip of Sudtonggan, you might  consider something like "film 
>noire".  Let's see...which other HDP  sites did I want to "revisit" in the 
>present -
>Kinney?  My work with the state takes me to Minnesota's Iron Range,  but in 
>the close to 20 years that I've been doing these "circuits",  the "Mystery" 
>has always managed to push the gas pedal to enable  this lonely 
>traveler...to drive past the "Kinney" sign faster than  you could possibly 
>Hmmmm!  In 2003, we drove from Minnesota to South Dakota, for our  first 
>ever trip to the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore.  On the drive  back, we 
>chose a different route, and since we were in the  neighborhood anyways - 
>zoomed to Cannonball.  Not to "see" whatever  "remained" of the project, 
>but to see local folks whom we met  during our stay on the res. during the 
>summer of 1980 (we were  there that year for the Cannonball HDTS, and I was 
>on the faculty  because...because...I was (allegedly) an expert on HDP's).  
>There  were only two people we were interested in seeing during our French  
>call - George and Mary Rose Fool Bear, whom we really
>came to know that summer.  They're still there, hanging on,  refusing to 
>leave Cannonball.  They now have grandchildren, and yes  - 
>greatgrandchildren.  We just sat down with them for a warm chat  on a quiet 
>afternoon.  And you know what?  They still remembered  us, and then they 
>asked us:  "How's Dick Kroeger?"  We were moved,  not just because the 
>couple remembered Kroeger, but also because  they (and especially, George) 
>remembered many of his positive  experiences from the HDP years.  In our 
>minds, and in his mind - it  was what mattered the most:  how one is best 
>remembered, or...how  one would want to be remembered in History.  So, 
>Dick, if it's any  consolation at all:  the Fool Bears will always treasure 
>your  friendship, your human connection.  That's the spiritual awakening  
>from that sentimental visit to Cannonball.
>In 2004, the power of Mystery kept pulling us back, to the one  village 
>that taught
>us what it was like to really "come alive" (and not just for the  sake of 
>"development") - the Village of Azpitia.  Just as we made  the conscious 
>decision to officially relocate there on Mother's  Day, 1979, we also chose 
>to show up in Azpitia...for the first time  in a quarter century - on 
>Mother's Day, 2004.  25 years!  Sure,  Azpitia had changed and grown by 
>leaps and bounds, we could hardly  recognize the "original", the Azpitia we 
>used to know.  But what  moved us the most was...the fact that many in that 
>village still  remembered us, our many stories, our struggles together, our 
>"Life  Together", our being in community and being in communion  
>with..."Local Man".  No monument is big enough to describe, to  capture 
>that kind of mysterious feeling - it can only be felt in  the minds, the 
>hearts, and the souls of human beings.  In the  Spirit.  The energetic 
>young and middle-aged folks I knew then -  had aged over the years.  The
>gradeschoolers and the high school kids who eagerly wanted to hear  and 
>learn from us, who painstakingly took notes at the many  meetings we had, 
>were now in the lead.  It's amazing that these  "youngsters" would still 
>ask us (over a few shots of pisco and red  wine):  "What else can you teach 
>us?"  My response was short:   "Nothing...except Take The Lead."  And they 
>are...still...in these  hard times.  When an Intensity 8 Earthquake whose 
>epicenter was  only 94 miles away shook them.
>Did I really "teach" more, or "learn" more from doing HDP's?  And  now, if 
>I were to sum up all my Learnings into "The One Thing" (he,  he, he) - what 
>would that "One Thing" be?  In my view, HDP was not  just about building 
>buildings, schools, clinics, or other "man- made" structures, or creating 
>wild stories about ourselves...it was  about building human connections, it 
>was about releasing spirit  energy for it to serve as a "transformative 
>force", so
>that this "New Human" could create "the good, the true, and the  
>beautiful".  It was about becoming more human, not more mechanical  or 
>material.  It should'a, could'a, would'a...occurred to me back  then.
>Things are always 20/20 in hindsight.  But the past is always  approved, 
>right, Marshall?  Finally, the only way for me to heal is  to forgive 
>myself, and forgive others.  Am I right again, Reverend?
>Now, how about that category about the Future being open?
>From:  "W. J." <synergi at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To:  Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
>To:  dialogue at wedgeblade.net,
>oe at wedgeblade.net
>Subject:  [Dialogue] Primary/Secondary Integrity in HDP's
>Date:  Tue, 28 Aug 2007 23:17:27 -0700 (PDT)
>Yes, Addi, I am.
>And, BTW, soon we're all gonna be able to revisit Sudtonggan again,  as 
>well Bayad, Kawangware, Maliwada, Oyubari, Ijede, Kwangyung, Hai  Ou, and 
>many of the other HDP's. And yes, we'll be able to see  those wells gushing 
>life-giving clean water. For real.
>A little bird told me that ICAI is gonna re-release The World of  Human 
>Development on DVD this year, exactly thirty years after it  was shot. So 
>we can all take a new look.
>And I can't
>"You've got to give a little, take a little,
>And let your poor heart break a little,
>That's the story of, that's the
>glory of Love."
>That's the story of, that's the glory of...
>Secondary Integrity!
>"In 1952 they ranked me number five!"
>"Mountain Rivera was no punk. Mountain Rivera was almost the  Heavyweight 
>Champion of the World!"
>Adelbert Batica
><abatica at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Rev. Jones -
>Are you doing theology again? Heh, heh, heh! These are topnotch
>"pedagogical illustrations", though. And when did this pugilist  make that
>bold claim, about not "taking a dive" - in 1952? Why even brag  about not
>taking a dive - What was his problem, anyway?
>And your
>"Professor Hill", did he teach at the "Gary, Indiana Conservatory
>of Music"? Yeah, you do have a way with cinema as a "tool". "Of all  the
>bars and the gin joints in all the world..." - you have to delve  into this
>God-thing right here.
>Alright, Primary and Secondary "integrity". But you know, I still  struggle
>with these categories, like Randy and Kroeger, because aside from  doing
>development - I was up to my eyeballs in HDP. And in Sudtonggan, I
>sometimes whirled and
>twirled just thinking about the many stories being
>told about the many miracles we were performing in that poor, desolate
>village. The Community Health Clinic is the image that sticks in my  mind.
>Because...God only knows how many times we "sold" that Clinic to  how many
>donors. Luckily enough for us - we didn't have to "invent" a well,  because
>as far as water was concerned - like Moses... we could literally  draw 
>from limestone rock. No sweat, no
>kidding. And the water tasted just like
>spring water. We knew early on that that was a commodity we  couldn't 
>to any prospective donor.
>Maybe I set aside that Primary and Secondary stuff as soon as I was  in the
>Land of the Incas, to begin working in Azpitia. Perhaps because I  knew I
>didn't have to invent stories, but instead focused on "Veritas".  No, there
>was no need to "create a story" for the Jesuits - they were willing  to 
>out and give us a
>chance. But perhaps my wonder of wonders at the time was
>(and this is perhaps where that Primary and Secondary thing steps  in) - my
>willingness to sit down with the Padres de Opus Dei, the Spaniards  who had
>jurisdiction over the parish, Azpitia's church included. The  Jesuits did
>warn me about not having anything to do with Opus Dei, but I  thought at 
>point that, at least every once in while - "integrity", ha, ha, ha  - could
>be "set aside" by breaking bread with
>them. After all, isn't there
>something about "The Unity of Opposites"? When Left and Right come  
>- a creative force is released. Opus Dei gave us permission to use the
>church building for meetings and other project-related activities. The
>other thing Opus Dei gave me permission to do was...officiate at some
>funerals when no priest was available. It was actually a good  feeling, to
>do the "send-out" (and fall back on my Latin every now and then,
>which the
>more conservative congregation just loved!) "De profundis clamavi  ad te,
>Domine, Domine exaude vocem meam..."
>Yes, sometimes we had to make hard decisions, and I can't exactly  describe
>the gut-wrenching feeling of having to stand in radical ambiguity.  And 
>the pain. And have to go through the Dark Night. Doubt myself,  blame God,
>blame the world. The Dark Night. We all have to experience the Dark  Night,
>it's part of our humanity. That the Christ figure would
>dare demand: "Take
>this cup away from me..." is proof enough of his humanity. And the  world
>will never be the same.
>What a great revelation.
>Addi Batica
>P.S. "I'm just shocked, shocked to know that gambling is going on  here!"
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: "W. J."
>Reply-To: Colleague Dialogue
>To: oe at wedgeblade.net, dialogue at wedgeblade.net
>Subject: [Dialogue] Primary/Secondary Integrity
>in the movies
>Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:12:27 -0700 (PDT)
>Just to stir the pot a little bit more (y'know it's hard to resist!):
>There are two movie characters that come to mind in trying to  understand
>Primary and Secondary Integrity.
>One uttered the famous line: "One hundred eleven fights and never  took a
>dive!" That for me is a good example of Primary Integrity that, in the
>context/situation of the film, gets transformed. Ten points if
>you can guess
>the film title.
>The other guy is Professor Harold Hill. Seventy-six extra points if  you
>can name the title. Hint: he's a major scam artist. Second hint:  it's a
>Basically Harold just wants to get laid, get paid, and hop the last
>freight train outa town before he's tarred and feathered. (I know,  it's
>coming, let me think a sec!)
>But here's what's amazing about the movie. Despite all his bad
>intentions, the town gets permanently
>transformed, and Harold gets caught up
>in a brand new reality (for him) and blows his exit.
>So what's really going on here? You could say the whole town was
>imprisoned by their xenophobia (google it) and gossip ("Pick pick  pick, 
>a lot, pick a little more!").
>And along comes this seductive, nasty guy whose only ethic is to  prey on
>the town's vulnerability (fear of "the telltale signs of  corruption" and
>appetite for a larger vision of something),
>screw 'em financially, and leave
>'em lying in their dust and disappointment.
>But he believes in something, however impossible, reduced, or  perverted
>("I always think there's a band, kid.") And something finally moves  him to
>tell little Winthrop (Ron Howard) the truth: yes, he's a liar, and  no, he
>can't read music (a very BIG hint!).
>So what's this got to do with US? With Town Meetings all over Iowa
>(hint!) and our global Band of Human Development
>Well, we did borrow from this movie a song for the Gibson HDP, a  rewrite
>of 'Lyda Rose' (HUGE hint!). And when the school board stopped  squabbling,
>learned to harmonize, and sang 'Lyda Rose'...sheer Spirit began to  break
>loose and transform everything.
>So you could say that miracles happened despite Professor Hill's very
>shady version of Secondary Integrity.
>Roman Catholic theology has a very interesting view of this. Even the
>Pope understands
>that he doesn't have to be a "good guy" to be the
>Pope--that is, to be an effective mediator of divine grace. A "bad"
>priest--a pederast, for example--is just as effective as a saint in  
>people into communion with the divine in the Mass.
>OK, so I'm not lettin' anybody off the hook here. Pederasts in the O:E
>But when we critique our crumminess, shortcomings, ethical lapses, and
>shady integrity, let's not forget that
>Professor Harold Hill got used by the
>Mystery, despite all his bad intentions.
>And in that sense, you could put on your theological glasses and  see in
>him a Christ figure. Go figure.
>Marshall Jones
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