[Dialogue] Molly Ivins Hospitalized in Ongoing Battle With Cancer

RICHARD HOWIE rhowie3 at verizon.net
Tue Jan 30 07:20:14 EST 2007

Thanks George, for you care for Molly and for all of us.
Grace & Peace, Ellen
On Jan 27, 2007, at 2:37 PM, George Holcombe wrote:

> I just spoke with my friend, Harold Cook, a close friend of  
> Molly's.  He had visited her last night.  The doctors have told her  
> there is nothing more they can do.  Hold her up in your thoughts  
> and prayers, she has been a great voice which we will miss,  
> especially in the coming days.
> George Holcombe
> 14900 Yellowleaf Tr.
> Austin, TX 78728
> Home: 512/252-2756
> Mobile 512/294-5952
> geowanda at earthlink.net
> On Jan 27, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Harry Wainwright wrote:
>> <image001.gif>
>> Published on Friday, January 26, 2007 by Editor & Publisher
>> Molly Ivins Hospitalized in Ongoing Battle With Cancer
>> by E & P Staff
>> AUSTIN -- Almost three weeks ago, Molly Ivins wrote that she would  
>> dedicate every single one of her syndicated columns from now on to  
>> the issue of stopping the war in Iraq -- until it ended. But she  
>> has managed to finish only one more column since.
>> The gravely ill Texas columnist has been hospitalized again this  
>> week in her ongoing battle with breast cancer.
>> Her assistant Betsy Moon says she may be able to go home Monday.  
>> She adds that those close to Ivins are ``not sure what's going to  
>> happen, but she's very sick.''
>> The 62-year-old columnist had taken an earlier break from her  
>> syndicated column, but resumed writing earlier this month.
>> Last October she had suggested this headline to an E&P  
>> interviewer: "Molly Ivins Still Not Dead."
>> E&P wrote then, "The third recurrence of the breast cancer she has  
>> been battling since 1999 (and which recently claimed her good  
>> friend, former Texas Gov. Ann Richards) has left the 62-year-old  
>> Ivins with precarious balance, minimal hair, and no illusions  
>> about the redemptive quality of life-threatening illness. 'I'd  
>> hoped to become a better person from confronting my own  
>> mortality,' she laughs. 'But it hasn't happened.'"
>> In the Jan. 11th column, which opposed the troop escalation, Ivins  
>> wrote “We are the people who run this country. We are the  
>> deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to  
>> step outside and take some action to help stop this war....If you  
>> can, go to the peace march in Washington on Jan. 27. We need  
>> people in the streets, banging pots and pans and demanding, 'Stop  
>> it, now!'"
>> But this was the last newspaper column she has been able to write.
>> The column she wrote before that, a few days earlier, opened, "The  
>> president of the United States doesn't have the sense God gave a  
>> duck. So it's up to us. You and me.
>> "I don't know why Bush is just standing there like a frozen  
>> rabbit, but it's time we found out. The fact is we have to do  
>> something about it. This country is being torn apart by an evil  
>> and unnecessary war, and it has to be stopped now."
>> She vowed, "This will be a regular feature of mine, like an old- 
>> fashioned newspaper campaign. Every column, I'll write about this  
>> war until we find some way to end it.
>> "Every time, we'll review some factor we should have gotten right."
>> Nearly 400 newspapers subscribe to her column.
>> The longtime journalist and former New York Times reporter got her  
>> third cancer diagnosis more than a year ago and has undergone  
>> chemotherapy.
>> © Copyright 2007 Editor & Publisher
>> ###
>> <image001.gif>
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