[Dialogue] Church Year Chart

Len Hockley lenh at efn.org
Fri Jun 1 13:06:57 EDT 2007


When you find it, please put it up on the Repository or send it to me so I 
can do it.


At 07:22 PM 5/31/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>Greetings to all!
>Help!  I need a copy of the chart Joe Mathews did on
>the Church Year.  It had two sections with the first
>entitled something like The Christ Half Year (or
>Year)and the second something like The Church Half
>Year (or Year).  I could probably reconstruct it, but
>would certainly miss some important subtleties.  If
>you have it, please send it.  Soon, if possible!!
>Charles Hahn
>Dialogue mailing list
>Dialogue at wedgeblade.net

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